Everyone has a unique journey. No matter where you are in that journey, the right strategy can help you reach your goals and create more freedom in our life.


I'm Jennifer, Your Pickleball Business Coach...

I LOVE pickleball!  I really do!  When not playing pickleball, I'm probably talking or thinking about pickleball or pickleball entrepreneurship.  It's wonderful to see so many passionate pickleball players create extraordinary solutions, products, services, events, facilities, equipment, training aids and more. 

I've been playing pickleball for at least five years.  When I learned how to play pickleball, I was flying approximately 130,000 air miles around the world facilitating professional coaching sessions, public and private in-house coach training programs (4 or 6-day all-day events) and/or speaking professionally at conferences, non-profits and Fortune 100 companies.  

I knew when I started traveling with my paddle and looking to book speaking engagements and training venues near places to play pickleball that I was becoming a pickleball fanatic!  

After accumulating 3 million air miles, I hung up my wings, grabbed my paddle and went on a sabbatical... 

But, as much as I resisted, I discovered that I simply wasn't done doing what I was born to do - empower people through coaching and training.  So these days, I'm doing what I've been doing for decades except now I'm primarily serving the pickleball industry.

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Professional Coaching Background...

In the early 90's, I became a professional coach -- before coaching was a thing...

  • Known as one of the first 300 professional coaches and worked tirelessly to making (life, business and corporate) coaching a household name (which has occurred). 
  • Founding member of the Int'l Coaching Federation (ICF) and Association of Coach Training Organizations (ACTO). Pretty exciting taking an organization from about 20 people to 200,000.
  • One of the first 600 coaches to receive the Master Certified Coach (MCC) credential. 
  • Long tenure as CEO of the oldest and largest coach training organization in the world. 
  • Professional Speaker with the National Speakers Association (NSA). 
  • Literally wrote the book on life and corporate coaching.  After being relentlessly pursued by John Wiley & Sons, co-wrote 3 university-level professional coaching textbooks. 
  • Created, sold and facilitated hundreds of public and private training programs and events.  
  • Regularly traveled to coach and train to locations such as the US, Australia, New Zealand, England, Greece, Norway, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, India, Hong Kong, Singapore, Dubai, etc.  

Be, Do, Have

"To have a good partner, do the right thing and be a good partner."

 This goes for all relationships including business partnerships and your team.


It's Not about You...

"Stop taking things personally when it's rarely about you... even when it seems it is."

 So make that next sales call - don't take rejection personally.

Choose Wellness

"Unfortunately, pain is inevitable, but (ongoing) suffering is purely optional."

 Choose to let go of that which is no longer serving you well.

I Feel Blessed & Rewarded When Business Leaders Succeed...

  • My clients go from fear and trepidation to confidence and assertiveness
  • My clients hire me for business reasons, but end up changing their way of being that positively influences their business relationships and their family relationships (like forever repairing an estranged relationship with their child) with small tweaks
  • I receive 3-page letters in the mail years after our coaching relationship or training program has ended expressing the impact of our work together
  • My students are able to achieve more or learn more than they ever thought possible
  • My clients discover their true purpose and live their life accordingly
  • My client is able to allow their spouse to retire from a job or career they dislike due to the success of their new business
  • My client realizes the importance of self-care while building their lifestyle-friendly business and establishing proper boundaries
  • People start working smarter and stop working harder
  • Entrepreneurs stop being victimized by the shiny object syndrome and figure out their highest priorities
  • My clients find better sources of energy, learn how to delegate low payoff activities and finally enjoy working in their business again
  • My learners gain knowledge that allows them to be in a better position to hire and manage people resources



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